Created by Anne-Marie 7 months ago

I hesitated to write because my memories of  Stu are mainly very sweary! Is it disrespectful on a tribute to remember someone as they were? I think of all people, Stu would disapprove of being remembered as some sanctified version of himself! I will always remember Stu, with a fond smile, as a person with an outstanding ability to find a way to be inappropriate no matter what the occasion, but who combined this with a giant heart and a genuine love of people.

Stu’s dislike of all things stripey was well documented and for me there are two particular memories which epitomise this….

One is the night we beat Albion in the FA Cup quarter final in 2015. Dancing a jig with Stu and a few others in The Bartons Arms after the game singing F*** The Albion drunkenly until the Landlord said he would stop serving if we didn’t stop singing. Stu immediately started a chant if ‘We’re not singing any more!’ but soon reverted to the original chant! 

The other is at my wedding where, on request from Stu, the final tune if the day, ‘Specially for the bride’ (apparently), was The Liquidator, simply so that Stu could conduct the entire gathering to shout ‘F*** off West Brom’ repeatedly at my 17 year old, Albion supporting, step son! His endlessly patient wife Vicky, 8 & a half months pregnant with Charlie, was heard to comment ‘I wouldn't mind but he’ll be asleep and snoring before we get out if the car park’. Of course she was right! 

Rest well Stu. We will miss you but you lived a life that will ensure we will never forget you x
